Go get three quotes...

21 July 2023

The number 3 is a problem…

Traditionally ‘3’ seems to be magic number when it comes to getting prices – ‘approach the market and get three quotes’ – It’s a commonly held belief that assumes that three quotes will give a good spread of what’s available, and a fair idea of what sort of prices are out there. In reality, ‘Get three quotes’ is probably driven more by:

  1. How annoying and difficult it is to get more than three quotes – you have to email or phone the suppliers, give them a rundown of what you’re after and then chase them up until you get your prices… so you simply stop at three.

  2. Loyalty – often we become quite loyal to the suppliers that we use regularly or that have done a good job in the past, so we don’t leave our comfort zone and check out others – three seems like it’s good enough.

  3. Being time poor – in general SME’s don’t have a dedicated procurement department or purchasing officer that may exist in larger businesses – so the job of getting a quote falls onto a person who’s already juggling a day full of emails, meetings, phone calls and more. These people only have enough time for three.

The truth is that getting three quotes is really not doing SME’s any favours when it comes to procuring even the simplest products or services.

  • If you’re looking for a florist in Sydney, Google returns about 2000 results… (Now I’m not suggesting that 2000 is necessarily a better number to approach, but surely there’s a pretty wide variety of prices and options in a number greater than 3).

  • Web designers in Brisbane? 1023 web developers would probably love to hear from you

  • Want to get a brochure printed in Melbourne? There are 2608 printers vying for the business.

  • Even in Wagga there are 43 party supply companies all hoping to get that next job.

When you’re getting three quotes, you’re only sampling the tiniest amount of what available, and therefore you’re more than likely not getting the best price or the best product you could.

The Solution
QuotePacket solves the three problems described above because, at it’s core, it’s a simple and efficient way for SME’s that procure anything on a regular basis to leverage the process of getting quotes to their advantage. And the advantage of their clients.

There is no more writing the same email 10 times and chasing up suppliers, sorting through 10 different responses that have come back via email, fax, phone calls, PDF’s and word docs. No more trying to decipher what one supplier has quoted vs. another.

With QuotePacket you write the spec for what you’re after once, you invite suppliers to take part with a click of button and they in turn can respond with the minimum of effort. QuotePacket does the rest – it follows up with all the suppliers and urges them to respond; it collates all the information and displays it an easy to follow format; and it gives you an opportunity to clearly compare what’s on offer, choose what you want to keep and what you want to throw away.

Essentially it’s a win-win for both parties as the SME get’s more choice, and what supplier wouldn’t want the opportunity to quote more jobs?